Dairy Products
Heat Treatment | Homogenizing | Batch cooking | Fermenting | Deaeration | Blending & Mixing | Buffering | Carbonation | Cleaning in Place (CIP) | Crystallization & Aeration | Filling & Closing
The dairy based products category represents the widest range of products that can be processed with our small-scale equipment. OMVE’s applications can be used to pasteurize or sterilize milkshakes, flavored protein milk or coffee milk.
Our small-scale pilot plant can also be used for products such as high-viscosity yogurts and fermented products as well as a range of dairy-based drinks.
Popular consumer products that can be developed with OMVE’s machines include:
Looking for a single, comprehensive processing solution for ingredients, yogurts, still and soft drinks, margarine or other liquid products? You’ve come to the right place.
Process plant