UHT installation for the French expertise center Adrianor

The French expertise center in the field of food production Adrianor, located in Arras, France, has recently expanded its research capabilities significantly. One of the areas of expertise now offered is the pasteurization and sterilization of liquid food and beverages.

OMVE has supplied a UHT (Ultra High Temperature) installation for this purpose, equipped with a homogenizer, a filling station and two mixing tanks for recipe preparation. The UHT installation provides the ability to heat both indirectly and directly (via steam injection). This allows testing of products based on plant proteins, which are more sensitive to heating.

During a recently held open day, the new technologies were presented to Adrianor’s relations. OMVE wishes Adrianor lots of success with these new possibilities.

UHT Installation Adrianor UHT Installation Adrianor-1